Friday, January 7, 2011

22 weeks 5 days and GENDER update :)

Hey All! So it's been about a month since I've written anything. I'm at 22 weeks 5 days. First things first, we went for our first big Ultrasound yesterday....and ITS A GIRL!! Well, 2 girls! We are excited. I've been looking at girl stuff on the internet; it's all so cute! :) Now that I know the genders, it finally feels real to me that we are actually having babies. It's funny how even though I spent the first 3 months sick everyday, and can obviously see myself growing, it has taken until now to feel real. Brandon still isn't sure it feels real. But he is excited. So babies are doing good. They are about 10-11 inches long and weigh 1 lb 5 oz. - which is big for how far along I am. The ultra sound was a pretty neat experience. They can see so much with it. They pretty much examined every inch of each baby's body. My Mom went with us, I know she really enjoyed seeing it since they didn't have that kind of technology the last time she had a baby. Today I had my appointment with my regular doctor. It was just a quick appointment to check my weight and blood pressure. I'm thinking I am on the low end weight wise. Technically I've only gained 4 pounds since before I was pregnant. But then again, I lost close to 10 pounds in the first 3 months.

So let's see...Christmas time. For Christmas, Brandon got me a necklace with two baby charms. He bought one girl and one boy since we didn't know the genders yet. Tomorrow we are going to exchange the boy for another girl. In the center they have April's birthstone since most likely they will be born in April. I also got a visa gift card from my parents to buy maternity clothes. It was quite a struggle waking up every morning trying to figure out what I could still fit into. Brandon and I went on a shopping spree while I picked out clothes, and he held my bags. Haha. After Christmas I went to Target and scoped out the after Christmas deals on baby items. I found Christmas socks for a quarter each, and bought to onesies that say My first Christmas on them. Hopefully they will fit the babies next Christmas! :)

Other than that, I think I finally reached that time in the pregnancy where I can enjoy it. I have more energy than before. I rarely feel sick anymore--except when I take those prenatal vitamins. I have been taking multivitamins because I get nauseous the day after I take the prenatals. Not sure why, the doc thinks it's in my head. I'm trying though. I am also feeling tons of movement. It ranges from little kicks to complete somersaults. It's pretty awesome.

So I have two more weeks of student teaching. The kids were so excited to hear it's two girls. Well, the girls were excited, the boys said they feel sorry for me. Oh and one girl said I just have to watch out for when they're teenagers because they're going to be drama. haha I love it! I'm gonna miss those kids, but I'm looking forward to making some money before the babies come. I plan to sub for as long as I can. I will also be taking a couple more classes online. I have one more class to take for my credential and 2 more classes to take before I have my masters. I'm hoping I can get them all done before the babies come!

So I think that's everything. I will post some pictures below! :)